Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cinci beach house

I "wake up" from this other dream that I just had and I'm in my studio.

I look outside my window and feel the cool breeze. The ocean is right outside my window and there's some sand on the sidewalk. I want to go outside for a swim but I'm debating whether it's too cold.
I go to the bathroom and put on my bathing suit and sit outside my patio to see if people are swimming. There's a group of 8-10 older males just swimming outside but now the ocean has turned into a small river where you can swim 10 feet to cross to the other side. One of the guys is completely naked. I don't feel like going swimming anymore but everyone else doesn't seem to care.

He even stands up and I'm wondering why the cop that's standing on the sand isn't doing anything about it.

And then... I wake up.

bank robber

I am in the passenger seat while my best friend, Michelle, is driving. She drives us down an alley because she needed to talk to me but all of these Asian guys start jumping at the car and trying to get us to open the door. We back the car up and drive forward and we're in what looks like a school auditorium.
I look to my right and there large, draping, red curtains on the stage (we have this exact view from the car that you see in the picture except with the curtains on stage). A lot of people are just standing there looking at these closed curtains. I realize that there's actually a bank behind these curtains and it is being robbed by someone. Everyone is awaiting what's going to happen. We continue driving but we are stopped by the cops who are in our way. One of the cops tells us to get out of the car so they can use the car as a shield. He tells us to get out while crawling on the floor.

We both do so and we're crawling outside of the car. There's some misty gas in the air that stings my face. The police have sprayed mace everywhere to try to get the bank robber to come out [though it's probably just spraying the public.. no idea].We're almost at the exit but Michelle and I want to stay and see what's going to happen. We're still laying down on the floor but we stare at the stage. Suddenly, these people in costumes and giant animal mascot-looking come out on the stage and dance to music. I'm so confused but I assume they're there to entertain the public while this bank robber is doing his thing.

Then, a man with a gun comes out from the right on the same level that Michelle and I are on (overlooking everyone in the audience). Everybody looks back and scream then hush in silence out of fear he will shoot. We all stare at him. I realize that I'm blocking the exit because my legs are spread right across the door. Not knowing what to do, I put my feet in the air. But that catches the bank robber's attention.

He looks at me and points the gun at me. Michelle stares at me but doesn't know what to do. I am shaking and can't help but think this is all my fault. I could have avoided all this had I just left instead of been curious. He continues pointing the gun at me and tells me to get up. The cops are right behind me but they don't make a move. I slowly get up and put my hands up. He tells me he's going to take me as a hostage, then rape and kill me. I begin crying and all I think about is The Bf. He tells me to walk towards the exit.

Finally, someone grabs the gun from him but they don't point it at him or tell him to get on the ground. They're just holding the gun there. Afraid that he'll just grab the gun again, I take the gun away from that person and shoot the bank robber. The bullets come out slowly as if they're little paintballs. I shoot him in the throat but it doesn't look like it hurts him so I keep shooting him.

I drop the gun and start running away. I tell myself that this has to be a dream. I'm dreaming. I try to wake myself up by throwing cups of water at my face but it doesn't work. I go outside and there's a little pond, I fall backwards and I feel myself falling into the water.

And then... I "wake up" in another dream.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

cousin getting set up

I'm on the sidewalk with one of my friends and we run into my cousin. He's heading towards a store or something with his friend and this other guy they don't really know (let's call him Guy #1).

Guy #1 has this other friend who's waiting for him on the sidewalk (Guy #2) with me. I'm suspicious and I ask him what he thinks he's doing with my cousin. Guy #2 looks at me and gives me this creepy smile. I get a bad feeling in my stomach. Then another guy walks towards us (Guy #3) and as he's walking towards us, the alarm sounds for the store, and Guy #3 nods at Guy #2. They're both starting to walk away from me but I stop them, I tell them that I know they're setting up my cousin in there.

They start running away and as soon as they do, an FBI car stops in the middle of the street in front of the store. I yell at them, telling them that the guys running away are the ones that need to get caught. The 2 FBI agents, 1 woman and 1 man, look at me but don't believe me. I look back and the two guys are already too far for anyone to catch up to them. I yell, "Look, I know they set up my cousin, they're running away right now!!!" But the FBI agents keep walking towards the store.

We go inside but my cousin and his friend aren't there. Guy #1 has also disappeared. I yell at the agents telling them they're not doing their job, that they're only going after my cousin because he's an easy target. The woman agent sits me down and is about to interrogate me but I won't let her. I keep screaming at them both that my cousin is being set up.

A bus pulls up right next to the store and my cousin's friend is getting off it. The agents' backs are towards the bus so they can't see it. I'm afraid my cousin's in there too and that if they turn around, they'll arrest him. I pretend not to notice and keep talking to them. However, my friend is STARING at the bus and I'm scared she's going to give it away to the agents. As the agent is about to turn around to look at the bus, my friend asks her to pour her a drink of water. The agent does so and doesn't see my cousin's friend walking away from the bus.

A little girl who is supposed to be my cousin's daughter runs up to me and gives me a hug. I pick her up and put her on my leg. She starts talking about how she just saw her dad and I panic because the agents will now know where he is.

And then... I wake up.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

bus driver/crime solver?

I am in a lecture hall at school watching a movie with friends and people from my cohort. I realize I have to go do some work so I step out really quick and tell them I'll be back.

I'm home in my studio looking for the articles I need to read. I realize that the movie is only 2 hours long and I should have just stayed and do my work afterwards. I go back to the lecture hall and everyone's already heading out.

Next thing I know, we're all getting into this bus and I'm the one who has to drive it.
The roof is open and I'm driving it but it's about 5-8 stories high. I'm scared I will fall out of the seat and into the street. I'm trying my best to drive it but it's really hard, I barely have control over it and at one point it moves backward when I want to turn it around.

We get to a cul-de-sac of a building and I see a dead  lady on the street. She's sprawled out facing up, her face blankly staring at the sky, and her skin is pale white. She's wearing a dark pink/red skirt and a green/brown jacket. I slow down the bus and debate whether to stop it but my friends, who are the passengers, tell me to keep going. I ask them if they just saw what I saw and they reply yes. I tell them to immediately call 911. They all pull out their cell phones.

I'm stopped at a red light but I move the bus inches up so I can try to read the street signs. I yell the street signs so my friends can tell the police where we saw the lady.

And then... I wake up.