I'm walking down this street going into someone's house where my boyfriend is staying at. I open the door and his friends greet me at the door. They joke around that he's not there but I see him laying down on the bed from the open bedroom door.
Suddenly, there's a commotion, the guys are running around the house and go in and out of the living room. Finally, a couple of them come back and they have blood on their shirt and hands. They've killed someone. I'm afraid to say anything in case they turn against me. I go to the restroom and as I bend over to pee, this nasty liquid whitish, yellow thing comes out from my stomach. I pull my shirt up and I see two holes in me. I've been stabbed in the process of the commotion.
I go to Alex and he hugs me. I'm scared I'm going to die. We go outside and the funeral is going on for that person who they killed. Hundreds of people are walking down the street and mourning, moving his casket from a car to a house or store. No one knows who the killers are.
And then... I wake up.
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