Tuesday, March 1, 2011

drug dealers

I'm walking to enter my school's student center [though it looks more like a mall]. As I'm about to enter through these huge glass doors, I look up and I see writing all over the glass windows of this student center. The writing was apparently a warning from Drug Dealer #1 (DD1) that he would find Drug Dealer #2 (DD2) and kill him because DD2 owed DD1 a crapload of money [did that make sense? haha].

So I enter the place and this drug dealer follows me into the building. He's trying to get my attention by calling me but I ignore him. He then walks next to me and starts talking to me, I tell him I don't know what he's talking about and keep walking towards a set of different leveled escalators.
I just want to get away from this drug dealer because I have a feeling he's DD2 and I don't want to be around when DD1 shoots him. So I'm about to get on the escalator when this drug dealer grabs my shirt. I turn around and yell, "Get the F*** off of me!!" and I go down the escalators. I then realize that I went to the wrong floor because this is where the movie theater is located but that's not where I'm meeting someone.

I try to get back upstairs but the escalators are all going the wrong way so I don't know which one to get on.

And then... I wake up.

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