Tuesday, November 27, 2012

sucky professor

I am walking towards the class that I'm teaching and I'm feeling a little nervous. It is only when I'm walking into the classroom that I realize I did not print the syllabus out for my students nor do I have anything prepared for the class!!

I walk in and the students are sitting there waiting for me. I introduce myself and make a couple of jokes, to which the students laugh hysterically at. They seem to really like me. Everyone's paying attention. I'm looking at the unfinished syllabus that I printed out right before class and it doesn't make any sense. How could I not finish this before my first day of teaching?

I apologize and tell them that I forgot to print out the syllabus and need to go make some copies really quick. I run out of class and look for a printer or a computer. But when I walk out, I am inside a factory-like building with wood planks and loud noise all around me. I see an old computer all the way in the back but someone is printing out something.

They tell me they just finished and I go on the computer. But I realize that there is no way for me to access my syllabus because it is on my laptop at home. I begin to panic and my breathing gets faster. I don't know what to do.

I look up and I see a couple of students leaving my class already. I run back to my class and see that most of the students have left except maybe 5-7 and they're just packing up. I apologize profusely and tell them not to leave my class. They look at me with such disappointment as if they were expecting such a better and more organized professor. My heart begins to sink... I've completely failed...

And then... I wake up.

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