Monday, November 12, 2012

gang territory

It's night time but there are a lot of people around still. I'm walking somewhere, maybe home, and I walk down a street to take a shortcut. I see guys, who I know are gang members, standing by the alley where I usually walk through to take my shortcut home. As I'm approaching it, some guy with a hoody and saggy pants yells at me, "Hey, lady, looking sexy." I ignore him and keep walking. I realize it's too dark and if something happens to me, nobody could help me. I decide to take the long route.

Out of nowhere, the same guy who tried to flirt with me earlier, punches me in the face and knocks me down. He's on top of me with a knife over my neck and he smiles while saying, "Don't tell anyone" and he cuts my neck, not enough where I'm bleeding profusely but enough where I'm bleeding a little bit. I put my hand over my neck so as not to lose a lot of blood and I'm crying just laying on the floor. I look around but no one is helping me. There are about 20-30 people just standing around me, staring at me, but not moving.

I feel like I'm getting ready to die. Then a couple of that guy's friends start walking towards me. I think they're coming to finish the job and kill me. I try to stand but I can't so I start crawling away, telling them not to kill me. One of the guy has a knife in his hand and I try to stand up but I can't. He comes over and throws the knife by my side, telling me that it's for me to protect myself. I take it and stand up and start walking away backwards, looking at everyone who are still not helping.

Another gang comes out from another alley and the guy yells, "Oh hell no. You think you can come in here with your little knife in MY territory?" I keep walking backwards, looking at him the whole time, telling him "It's not mine, this isn't mine." Trying to tell him that the knife isn't mine and that I didn't bring it with me. He doesn't believe me, he thinks I've challenged him. His 2 friends come towards me, 1 of them hits me with a beanbag kind of thing.

My knife has turned into a long sword, but it's as if it's made out of paper because it bends and is not very hard. I wave the sword around so they get scared. The 2 guys still get close to me. I put the sword by 1 of the guys's throats and yell, "I don't want to slash your neck but I will if you guys get closer." They back off a little bit but their head boss now takes out a gun. I'm still walking backwards, tears falling from my eyes, while I continue to say, "This isn't mine."

And then... I wake up.

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