Saturday, May 12, 2012

cousin getting set up

I'm on the sidewalk with one of my friends and we run into my cousin. He's heading towards a store or something with his friend and this other guy they don't really know (let's call him Guy #1).

Guy #1 has this other friend who's waiting for him on the sidewalk (Guy #2) with me. I'm suspicious and I ask him what he thinks he's doing with my cousin. Guy #2 looks at me and gives me this creepy smile. I get a bad feeling in my stomach. Then another guy walks towards us (Guy #3) and as he's walking towards us, the alarm sounds for the store, and Guy #3 nods at Guy #2. They're both starting to walk away from me but I stop them, I tell them that I know they're setting up my cousin in there.

They start running away and as soon as they do, an FBI car stops in the middle of the street in front of the store. I yell at them, telling them that the guys running away are the ones that need to get caught. The 2 FBI agents, 1 woman and 1 man, look at me but don't believe me. I look back and the two guys are already too far for anyone to catch up to them. I yell, "Look, I know they set up my cousin, they're running away right now!!!" But the FBI agents keep walking towards the store.

We go inside but my cousin and his friend aren't there. Guy #1 has also disappeared. I yell at the agents telling them they're not doing their job, that they're only going after my cousin because he's an easy target. The woman agent sits me down and is about to interrogate me but I won't let her. I keep screaming at them both that my cousin is being set up.

A bus pulls up right next to the store and my cousin's friend is getting off it. The agents' backs are towards the bus so they can't see it. I'm afraid my cousin's in there too and that if they turn around, they'll arrest him. I pretend not to notice and keep talking to them. However, my friend is STARING at the bus and I'm scared she's going to give it away to the agents. As the agent is about to turn around to look at the bus, my friend asks her to pour her a drink of water. The agent does so and doesn't see my cousin's friend walking away from the bus.

A little girl who is supposed to be my cousin's daughter runs up to me and gives me a hug. I pick her up and put her on my leg. She starts talking about how she just saw her dad and I panic because the agents will now know where he is.

And then... I wake up.

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