Wednesday, May 9, 2012

bus driver/crime solver?

I am in a lecture hall at school watching a movie with friends and people from my cohort. I realize I have to go do some work so I step out really quick and tell them I'll be back.

I'm home in my studio looking for the articles I need to read. I realize that the movie is only 2 hours long and I should have just stayed and do my work afterwards. I go back to the lecture hall and everyone's already heading out.

Next thing I know, we're all getting into this bus and I'm the one who has to drive it.
The roof is open and I'm driving it but it's about 5-8 stories high. I'm scared I will fall out of the seat and into the street. I'm trying my best to drive it but it's really hard, I barely have control over it and at one point it moves backward when I want to turn it around.

We get to a cul-de-sac of a building and I see a dead  lady on the street. She's sprawled out facing up, her face blankly staring at the sky, and her skin is pale white. She's wearing a dark pink/red skirt and a green/brown jacket. I slow down the bus and debate whether to stop it but my friends, who are the passengers, tell me to keep going. I ask them if they just saw what I saw and they reply yes. I tell them to immediately call 911. They all pull out their cell phones.

I'm stopped at a red light but I move the bus inches up so I can try to read the street signs. I yell the street signs so my friends can tell the police where we saw the lady.

And then... I wake up.

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