I am in this open field and I run into my old friends from UCI. I hug them and we begin catching up. They've brought posters with them that say "Happy birthday, Lyds" and are planning on giving it to me after everyone signs them. I turn around and my residents are all on the field, waiting to sign the poster.
I tell them they don't have to. I feel weird watching them sign my birthday posters as if I brought them and made my own friends sign them. My high school volleyball coach is there and he tells everyone to get seated because he has something to say.
I see my old high school friends that I played volleyball with. They apparently just lost the championship game and Coach wants to talk to them about it. I sit in the back. He starts yelling at what a horrible job they did during the last game. My friend sits down next to me and leans on me. I play with her hair and ask her how she's been doing. We're whispering but stop when Coach looks at us. I ask her how many games they lost by and she says 3.
And then... I wake up.
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