Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I am at a vacation resort with my parents. Our hotel overlooks this large swimming pool and there are tons of people there dancing around celebrating. Some are wearing bright-colored bathing suits while others are dressed a little more conservatively, yet still brightly colored. It's really sunny but I don't feel hot. The pink and blue parasols surround the swimming pool.
The sun is slowly setting and somehow my parents and I are at the pool.

Without knowing how, I just know that we are at a resort where people from the past (dead or alive) are hanging around. It was a place where past met present for a couple of hours. Thus, technically, you could meet a younger version of yourself here. I look across the pool and I see my two grandpas [both of which have passed away a long time ago] dancing happily to some music I can't make out. Both of them look much younger and so happy. They're just dancing and having the time of their lives.  I tell my mom, "Look! Look!! It's Grandpa!! Can you believe this?! They're here!"

My mom, who was very close to her father, just smiles and stares at my grandpa. We're both so shocked. We don't dare move in case the slightest movement makes them disappear.

I can't believe it. I'm seeing both of my grandpas, I can actually see them, touch them, and hug them. My paternal grandpa, who looks much younger with a skinny waistline and darker hair, catches me looking at him. He smiles and waves me over to dance with him. He grabs my hand and I start dancing and laughing with him. I ask my mom where my dad is so he can see his father but he's nowhere to be found.

While I'm dancing with my paternal grandpa, I see my dad in the background. For a split second, I don't know if this is my "present dad" or "past dad." I see that he has a smear of paint on his arm and for some reason, that confirms that he's my present dad. I yell at him over the music, "Look, daddy!! Look, it's Grandpa!! Come hug him!" But my dad looks at us with such sadness and doesn't want to come hug his dad. The memories are just too much for him.

And then... I wake up.

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