Monday, December 19, 2011

comprehensive exams

I'm inside a hotel on a vacation with some friends from my PhD cohort. I overhear someone talking about one of our comprehensive exams. It's tonight!

I panic, I haven't studied at all! We have already made plans to explore the city but I'm debating whether I should stay at the hotel and study. I freak out and ask my friends if they've studied for the exam. One of my friend tells me that she's only studied a couple of days before. I haven't read any of the articles, don't know anything about the topic, and am clueless about the research on the subject. I tell her I can't go, that I won't pass the exam. She calmly tells me that she has the notes and all I have to do is memorize the outline. I tell her I won't be able to do all that within a couple of hours if the exam is tonight.

Next thing I know, I'm in line to go to the bathroom. There's a really long line but I'm at the front. Someone finally gets out of one of the stalls. I lock the door and as I'm about to pee, I realize that the stalls are separated by curtains. I can see the other people next to me. There are small beds in these stalls and the two girls have their bags and clothes hung on the door and go to sleep in the bathroom. This is why the bathroom line is so long! Because these girls are sleeping inside the stall!

I think to myself how smart they are to sleep there so that they don't have to pay for the hotel. I am apparently in Vegas and I know these girls are just taking a nap before going out to the clubs again. I wonder how they can deal with the smell but the Vegas bathrooms are so clean that they're beautiful.

And then... I wake up.

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