Friday, August 19, 2011

Disneyland at UC?

I'm inside Disneyland or some sort of amusement park that highly resembles Disneyland inside the University of Cincinnati. I'm with my parents and it's an orientation for my PhD cohort. We're touring the campus where there's also an amusement park inside for us to hang out.
A tour guide is telling us the rest of our agenda, seeing as it's later in the afternoon, and my mom stops the tour guide and goes in front of everyone. She's trying to tell them something, she seems worried, as if there's some sort of emergency. She tries to talk but I know she doesn't speak English well so I tell her to tell me. She turns to everyone and tries to talk to them but she's speaking in French. I tell her again to tell me so I can translate for them but she doesn't want me to. She tries to talk again but no one understands her. Finally, she tells me that the CJ department didn't give us enough "tickets" to get food for the rest of the day.

A parent from one of the PhD students says, "They gave us enough, they gave us 2." I feel so embarrassed. I can't believe my mom disrupted the tour just because she wanted more tickets for food. I feel mortified.

We all get on the tram to take us to the other side of campus/amusement park, and we're supposed to jump off once we find an open grassy patch. I see that it's my mom and my turn but we're both scared and we're holding up the line. If we don't get off soon enough, the people behind us will not be able to get off at the same exit. Finally, the tram slows down just enough and I grab my mom and step off.

And then... I wake up.

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