Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm in this computer lab with a couple of my friends in my cohort [can't remember exactly who] and other people I don't know. All of a sudden, I feel something go up my arm, I pull up my sleeve and it's a tiny baby scorpion. I flick it off but it's too late, it already stung me. All of a sudden, I feel this huge pain in my arm and where the scorpion stung me becomes bumpy and red.
My mom is there and I'm crying about the pain because it feels like my entire arm is on fire and throbbing non-stop. She looks at it and tries to squeeze the poison out, which only makes it hurt more. There's a scratch, where apparently the scorpion's stinger scratched me, so my mom is trying to get the poison out through that opening, but it only makes me bleed.

All of a sudden, all these people are researching online about this sting, the symptoms, and what I need to make it better [thanks for taking me to the hospital, guys?]. Then, my friend, Lia, comes in and is wondering what everyone's working on and when they tell her, she acts bored [what a friend, haha].

And then... I wake up.

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